
Living Realistic with Our Job


Our job is where we express our life.There we pour all what we have learnt and apply what we are learning and inspiring.  It means that our job means  so much to our present time and our future time.

Understanding it's importances, we should consider the impact of our job to at least to our family, finance, and improvement.

  1. The impact of our job to our family.

No doubt that every body loves their family. Even they work to supply family's needs. Beside that, we need to consider the harmony of our family regarding our relationship to our job. I mean that our job must not separate our family. If a father leaves his family in the morning and back in the evening, of course it is not good to the harmony of our family. A job must not separate our family. Therefore, choosing a job is also thinking of how to beatify our family not only financially, but also togetherness. In my opinion, starting our own business is absolute to fill the need of finance and the need of togetherness with family. It is realistic. No matter how simple the business at first, I believe it will be great in the end if we run the business seriously.

2. The impact of our job to our finance.

As our family is growing, our need of finance is also increasing. It means that we must be creative in our job. But does the institution you work do limit your creativeness? If yes, of course it will impact to your income. Your income will be stuck while in the same time you need to increase your income as your family's demand. You will be free to be creative if you start your own business. Yes, starting your own business is the best choice to be creative and will increase your income of finance further, and for a realistic life.

3. The impact of our job to our improvement.

I mean here is not only the improvement in finance, but the improvement in all things. Especially skills. When we work in other's company, we will be ordered to do and run certain things which of course will limit our improvement of skill in large devices. And when we face difficulties, we can not have it fully to ourselves as a kind of lesson to our future, but to the company where we work. So, starting and running our own business is the best choice of job to improve our skill in both difficult time and in good time  for our realistic life.

Be successful with your realistic job.


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