
3 Ways Coffee Can Heal Your Thyroid and Save Your Life

Hypothyroidism Revolution

3 Ways Coffee Can Heal Your Thyroid and Save Your Life

Written by  | Posted in Diet & Nutrition | 27 Comments
coffee humor1 300x300 3 Ways Coffee Can Heal Your Thyroid and Save Your LifeIn the not so distant past, coffee has been put through the ringer. It’s been called every bad name in the book. Many so-called “health experts” have even gone as far as to label coffee as a highly addictive drug that is equivalent to a number of illegal narcotics.
But now, the “coffee” tables have turned because more and more research is being published supporting the vast protective benefits that coffee has to offer. The truth is that coffee is a nutrient, not a drug like many would have you believe.
To be completely honest, I was never a fan of coffee. I couldn’t stand the taste of it. But when I started to learn the science behind coffee and how it can be used to correct hypothyroidism and restore healthy metabolism, my taste buds quickly changed.
Now, thanks to more recent research, it’s becoming easier to understand the connections between coffee and how it can help heal your thyroid and protect you from a number of thyroid related health problems.

Coffee, Longevity, and Thyroid Function

The health of your thyroid is one of the most important factors when it comes to overall health and longevity.
In simplistic terms, your thyroid controls your cells’ ability to produce energy. When you become hypothyroid, your metabolism slows and your ability to produce energy decreases. When your cells cannot produce enough energy to stay happy, healthy, and sustain life… You develop disease and eventually die.
It’s as simple as that.
This is why anti-aging scientists are discovering that the key to extending life and living longer is to improve thyroid function so that your body can continue to produce the energy it needs to sustain life.coffee bag 300x199 3 Ways Coffee Can Heal Your Thyroid and Save Your Life
So, what does this have to do with coffee?
The results of the largest coffee study to date were recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine involving more than 400,000 U.S. men and women ages 50 to 71, over a 14 year span of time.

Association of Coffee Drinking with Total and Cause-Specific Mortality

Conclusions: In this large prospective study, coffee consumption was inversely associated with total and cause-specific mortality.
Not only does this study show that those who drank coffee lived longer, it also shows that the more coffee they drank, the longer they lived.
  • Men’s Results: two to three cups of coffee per day decreased risk of death by 10% in men. And each addition cup provided an additional 6% decreased risk.
  • Women’s Results: two to three cups of coffee per day decreased risk of death by 13% in women. And each additional cup provided an additional 5% decreased risk.
Based on our understanding of human physiology and longevity, coffee reduces your risk of death by helping your cells produce energy, increasing your metabolism, and therefore improving thyroid function.
However, because of the nature of this study, they were not able to identify the exact mechanisms through which coffee reduces the risk of death and extends life.
Below, we’re going to explore just a few of these exact mechanisms through which coffee can provide amazing benefits for overcoming hypothyroidism, and many of its associated health problems.

1. Coffee Protects You From Thyroid Disease

When it comes to coffee and the health of your thyroid, it doesn’t get any more obvious than this. Coffee has been shown to have a direct effect on the health of your thyroid gland.
Research has shown that coffee drinkers have a significantly lower incidence of both benign and malignant thyroid disease, including thyroid cancer.

Does coffee consumption protect against thyroid disease?

“Statistical analysis revealed a strikingly negative (p less than 0.05) association between benign and malignant thyroid disease and consumption of coffee. After adjustment for possible confounding variables, the association remained statistically significant.”
It is well known that various thyroid diseases including Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and thyroid cancer are common causes of hypothyroidism today. Using coffee properly to help prevent these diseases is a big step in the right direction.

2.Coffee Protects You From Cancer and Estrogen

Coffee doesn’t only protect you from thyroid cancer. It also protects against a number of other cancers, including breast cancer, which is especially a concern for menopausal women.

Coffee consumption modifies risk of estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer.

CONCLUSIONS: A high daily intake of coffee was found to be associated with a statistically significant decrease in ER-negative breast cancer among postmenopausal women.”
Many people don’t know this, but there is a link between hypothyroidism and breast cancer. This is because of the role that estrogen plays in suppressing the thyroid gland, disrupting healthy metabolism, and promoting cancer metabolism and growth.
Coffee has been shown to help support your body’s ability to produce progesterone, the hormone that plays the important role of offsetting the negative effects of estrogen and is essential in signaling your thyroid gland to release healthy amounts of thyroid hormone when needed.
So, it should be no surprise that coffee not only helps to protect you from breast cancer but that it also helps to promote healthy function of the thyroid gland.

3. Coffee Protects You From Liver Dysfunction

Coffee has also been shown to be highly protective of your liver. Below is just one of many studies that show the positive effects that coffee can have on the health of your liver.

Effects of coffee consumption against the development of liver dysfunction

“These results suggest that coffee may be protectively against the liver dysfunction in middle-aged Japanese men.”
The health of your liver is very well understood when it comes to proper thyroid function. Your liver plays a major role in regulating your thyroid and converting your inactive T4 thyroid hormone to the active T3 thyroid hormone that your cells need to thrive. Liver dysfunction is a major cause of hypothyroidism today that deserves a lot more attention than it currently gets.latte art 300x225 3 Ways Coffee Can Heal Your Thyroid and Save Your Life
Because coffee can help improve liver function, it can also play an important role in improving your liver’s ability to properly regulate thyroid hormone and improve your overall thyroid function.
When it comes to your thyroid, the health benefits of coffee go much further than what I’ve described above. This is really just scratching the surface of the health benefits associated with coffee.

In a world where stress and disease are lurking around every corner, it’s important to take advantage of every thyroid protective nutrient that you have at your disposal, and coffee is one of the most important ones.



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Not only have I come up with the software platform to create mobile apps, I've also taken the painstaking time to unlock the secrets of promoting apps and making money from them. That's what you'll discover in The Simple App Blueprint which includes the 3 components below...

In this first component, you’ll get access to the step-by-step video training of how to get started making money from simple apps. With this system...
You don't need to have a website.
You don't need to be a programmer.
You don't even need to be a Guru or have any kind of brand!

Here are the 4 steps...
Step #1: Choosing your app's niche market.
In this chapter, I'll share with you how to decide of what niche you should get in.

Step #2: Choosing your app type.
I'll share with you what kind of pages and features you can add inside the app and where to get your content for it.

Step #3: Add monetization.
This will probably be your favorite chapter because I'm going to teach you how to monetize income from your app!

Step #4: Promoting your app.
Want to know a secret? I get new users to install my apps everyday on auto-pilot for free and this is how I'm able to generate passive income. I'll share with you my promotion secret in step #4.

I'm not a programmer, so obviously it's impossible for me to create apps on my own.
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Here's an example of app created with this cutting-edge software:

The truth is: one of the biggest worries with app marketing is about getting the apps approved in the marketplace. My app example above is your solid proof that an app created using this software can be approved and listed in both the Google Play Store and Apple AppStore.

Choose your features and add your content -- you will have an app created before your eyes. Some key points you may want to know...
The software is built with an easy-to-use interface. You don't need technical know-how to use the software.
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It comes with multiple navigation options which allows for more flexibility in determining how your app looks like.
MANY FEATURES! Other than adding content to your app, you can also add features like a calendar, audio player, PDF eBook, voice recorder, map, picture gallery, notes, social media, all kinds of HTML pages, In App purchase options, push notifications, RSS feeds, quiz, tell-a-friend and many more!

Do not mistake this software for those made by freelancers you've seen on freelance sites - it is absolutely not that. If you're to develop a robust software platform like this, expect to spend at least $50,000 and hire a team of professional full-time programmers.
To use this platform, it'll cost a one-time $99 setup fee and $30 monthly maintenance and hosting fee per app. However, as a special arrangement for getting the Simple App Blueprint today, I'll waive the $99 setup fee for you. On top of that, I'll also waive 6 months of the monthly fee! This means you have a savings of $279 right away -- you'll automatically get a free app license when you grab a copy of Simple App Blueprint!
Seriously, you could be proudly creating an app of your own in less than a week from today! Try it, you'll be amazed of how easy it is, even for newbies and beginners.

The final component is the App Development Training Guide that will teach you the secrets of creating a simple content app with no experience needed. To be more precise, I'll share with you exactly how I created mine so that you can clone my app success.

If you follow my strategy and use the same software, you'll be able to have your own apps inside both the Apple AppStore and Google Play Store to start making money as soon as possible.
Originally, sharing this entire system wasn't part of my plan. It was for my own use. I’ve come up with software that allows me to shave off months of work and save a lot of money when it comes to hiring programmers and designers to develop an app individually. Interestingly, after I started creating the apps, I started to see that the whole process is a system that can be easily duplicated.
I was excited, for myself. But then I realized that there are probably a lot of people out there who also need a software platform like this -- something that they can use to churn out app after app within just a few days. And they too want to get started with app business.
So I decided to make it available so that the app opportunity is no longer out of reach for the masses. This is such a huge opportunity, so why should it only be available to a select few just because they know how to program? I think that wasn't very fair.
With the Simple App Blueprint, not only are you getting access to our software, you're going to get the exact blueprint I use that has been proven to be profitable. It took me months of hard work and investment to learn all of these and now, it can be yours.
Honestly, I think it's very reasonable to price this system at an affordable investment of only $197, considering that you'll have access to an extremely powerful software platform to create apps without spending 50K to develop it.
I've also seen competitors charging $97 PER MONTH. However, for just $197 $97 $47, I am going to let you have full access to The Simple App Blueprint today.
I truly want to help you and this is my way of encouraging you to get started immediately.
And when the app starts making money for you during these upcoming months, you can practically cover your investment into the program.
I would encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity today while mobile app is still in its "infancy". Because once the market is saturated, you will find yourself facing stiff competition from the seasoned app creator to the college student working from his dorm room.



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It took us 6 months and a fair bit of money to develop Green App Machine. Now you get to benefit from that and fast-track your start-up Mobile Apps business.

By the way – it's called "machine" because we're making apps for Android phones using the Google Play store...and the entire process is automated – like a machine.

Green App Machine is designed so that you have your very own Mobile App in just a few clicks of the mouse.

It takes just 12 minutes to set up your app.

With a few clicks all you have to do is...

Zero technical knowledge is needed. Absolutely none. Even if you don't fully understand what's involved in building an app – you soon will.

You simply check a few boxes (even most of these are pre-filled) and your app is magically created for you in 12 minutes.
To find a compelling niche takes 3 minutes.

Filling out the fields can be done in 7 minutes - by selecting which modules you want to introduce on your new app.

And of course you are going to want a nice cover photograph and Icon. Finding one of these on the internet that you have the rights to use can take 2 minutes and then you are done.


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The Guide makes it super easy to understand some of the most powerful techniques available for the pilot interview. The information it contains has been adapted from my eighteen years in the industry, and is written specifically for pilots by pilots.
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Brazil is a great place to be right now...

You've probably read about Brazil in the news. The Rio +20 summit. The World Cup 2014 will be held in arenas across the country. The 2016 Olympic Games will be held in Rio. All of these events are bringing lots of attention and lots of travelers to Rio.
And that means that the demand for English is higher than ever before.
But aside from these events, which will come and go, tourism continues to increase here. And the oil and gas business is a huge employer here. Brazil continues to expand its role in the world - in business and in politics.
These factors contribute to an increased - and continuing - demand for English.
The fact is that you by good fortune have a skill that is very much in demand around the world: You know English.
That skill could take you may places. May I suggest Brazil?! Here are a few reasons.
  • You can start work almost immediately. I had my first classes my second week in Rio.
  • You don't need experience, just a knowledge of English.
  • You don't need to make a heavy investment. (The internet will be your most valuable resource.)
  • Pay is good if you know how to market yourself. In Rio and Sao Paulo, the largest markets, you can currently expect to earn 60 reales per hour, and one real buys more or less the same as one dollar.
  • Hours are flexible.  Expect to have 5-6 hours of class per day. Some teachers prefer to fill their schedules Monday - Thursday and take Fridays off.
  • If you have knowledge in a specialized field (petroleum, aviation, any medical specialty, hospitality and tourism, restaurants, to name a few), it's even easier to find good-paying work.
Of course, all this is a lot easier to attain and attain quickly if you know how. And  Teaching English in Brazil  shows you how to be successful at teaching and avoid problems.

Teaching English in Brazil

Book - Come Teach English In Brazil, a guide to teaching English in Brazil.
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Stop Wasting Your Time With a Soccer Training Program That Doesn't Get Results!

  • Are you training hard, but still not getting noticed by scouts and coaches?
  • Do you feel like something is missing from your current soccer training program?
  • If you are a coach, parent, or soccer player who is looking for ways to improve performance on the field, it can be frustrating to invest time and energy (and money!) in out-dated soccer training programs that don't deliver results.
    Despite the fact that soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world, many soccer players still follow old-school athletic conditioning programs. Running long distances won’t improve your game; and natural talent will only take you so far. The truth is: to be the best in your position you need to train properly for it.
    Learn How to Improve Your Speed, Power, Strength, Agility, Endurance, Technical Ability, Creativity,
    Mental Conditioning, and Diet...
    After placing one short soccer training video on YouTube a few years ago, we were flooded with messages from soccer players just like you asking us for more information on training and how to improve their athletic performance! That is why we created this instructional DVD... we couldn't possibly respond to everyone individually, but we wanted to get the information out there; Because we know you are as passionate about this sport as we are!
  • Do you want to compete at the top of your game and get that winning edge?
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  • If you answered "Yes" to any of the questions above, then this soccer training program is for you.
    Please read on...
    Introducing "Building the Complete Soccer Athlete: Train Like a Pro"
    A complete up-to-date soccer fitness and conditioning training resource
    “The Complete System for soccer players and coaches who want to improve their game.”
    DVDcoverJosh Hewett, Athletic Director, and Clayton Rosario, Technical Director, team up to bring you a comprehensive training resource for soccer athletes. The DVD, Building the Complete Soccer Athlete: Train Like a Pro, covers a wide variety of technical drills with the ball to improve touch, speed, and moves to beat an opponent on any part of the field, as well as equally important, yet often neglected, speed, strength and conditioning exercises. The basics of sport psychology and nutrition are introduced as well.
    (DVD is in downloadable MP4 Format)




    So I quit surgery!

    Why would I quit performing heart surgery at the peak of my career and leave behind the power, prestige and the financial stability I had accumulated? Simple: I was fed up with practicing disease-oriented medicine and decided to make the transition to a world of health andpreventive medicine. On that fateful day in 1981, I started a cardiac rehabilitation program. I wanted to help people prevent and even reverse heart disease.
    I now know from experience, that remedies from nature are much safer and more effective than prescription drugs and needless surgery. I don’t care which treatments make the health industry a lot of money. I couldn’t care less about the financial well-being of the pharmaceutical giants.
    traveled worldwide to meet with health expertsOver the years I have traveled worldwide to meet with healthexperts from many cultures, as well as to locate and evaluatealternative treatments that have been used successfully in remote parts of the world for centuries. During this time I’ve had the privilege to study — and save many of my patients’ lives — with Ayurvedic Medicine, Homeopathic Medicine, Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Chinese Medicine as well as Shamanic Medicine.
    Now, thanks to these proven treatments and natural cures, I continue to see astonishing results with patient after patient — rather than needless deaths from drugs or surgery!

    Here’s How You Can
    PREVENT Heart Disease 
    - Or even REVERSE It,if You Currently Suffer ...

    FACT: 150 years ago heart disease was virtually unheard of. Today it is the #1 cause of death in America. It kills nearly 30% of us. In fact, it kills more women than all forms of cancer, chronic lung disease, pneumonia, AIDS, diabetes and accidents combined.
    You don’t have to face this fate, if you let me show you the proven ways I’ve discovered to kiss heart disease goodbye.
    These secrets to good heart health do NOT rely on prescription drugs and needless surgery— which is probably why you’ll never hear about them from conventional sources.
    Today you’re going to learn how to reverse heart disease if you or a loved one already has it — or how to prevent it if you don’t. Without dangerous drugs or surgery.
    Here’s what one recent reader has to say ...
    Here’s what one recent reader has to say ...
    "I developed angina pains, and couldn't walk more than a few hundred yards without pain. I went to a heart specialist who arranged a treadmill test, gave me nitroglycerin, and spoke of a probable stent. I immediately went home, scoured the internet, found Dr. Willix's book and bought it. I started taking CoQ10 and an intravenous chelation program. By the time I did the treadmill test three weeks later my angina pain was much less and the specialist recommended no stent at this stage. My angina pain has virutally disappeared after 10 weeks."
    ~ Jim T.
    Wellington, New Zealand
    I truly believe that How to Prevent or Even Reverse Heart disease - Without Drugs or Surgery will be the resource that saves thousands of lives — perhaps yours or that of a loved one. In it, you’ll learn:
    Hands-down best way to detect heart disease BEFORE it happens to you, but your doctor will probably never tell you about it.
     How raising your cholesterol can protect your heart.
     People who drink this every day (not red wine) can reduce their risk of heart attack by 40% or more.
     The best test for heart attack risk. Show this to your doctor ASAP.
    If you don’t do this occasionally, you will double your chances of having a heart attack. Best of all, it doesn’t cost you a cent.
    Why this telling indicator of heart disease risk is often ignored by conventional doctors — yet is so easy to reverse with a safe, natural mineral.
    Considering angioplasty with ‘Stents?’ What your doctor will never tell you!
    If you or a loved one has ever had a heart attack, chances are the hospital never gave you this critical information. Here’s what you need now — and how to get it.
    Why taking an aspirin-a-day can actually give you a stroke!
    Are you taking the one simple amino acid that helps restore normal blood pressure, relieve angina and open clogged arteries? Most people have never even heard of it!

    This is the kind of “secret” information that the mainstream medical establishment hopes you never find out about. To them, you’re nothing more than a source of income. But now you’llknow!

    There are secrets that mainstream medicine and the big pharmaceutical companies hope you never hear about. You won’t get this information from any news report or even from your own doctor — but it could easily save your life or the life of a loved one.




    These are just a few of the benefits of teaching your child sign language:  
    • Earlier communication with your child.
    • Some children learn to sign as early as 7 or 8 months – much earlier than a typical baby learns to talk! 
    • Babies who can communicate through sign are often much happier babies and toddlers which translates into a happier YOU!
    • Babies who can sign have shown less frustration and have fewer tantrums overall, since they can usually communicate their needs better.
    • Studies have shown that babies who learned sign as infants had a higher IQ overall than babies who didn’t learn sign.
    • Children who have learned sign have been shown to have more advanced language skills than children who have not learned sign.
    • Signing in the classroom has led to improved math scores among students.
    • Learning sign language at an early age helps develop the brain in the critical early years of language development.
    • Signing with your child provides a unique bonding experience between you and your child. 
    • Signing opens the doors to wonderful friendships with those who use ASL as their primary language. 
    • Signing helps promote self-esteem in children.
    • You would be surprised at how often knowing sign language really comes in handy for both you and your child!  
    • Signing is FUN for the whole family!!!!!
    • Here are just some of the amazing secrets, tips & techniques this e-book will teach you:
      • Learn how you can communicate with your baby much earlier than you would if you simply wait for him to learn how to talk (Chapter One)

      • Find out how you can greatly reduce your child’s frustrations and tantrums!  (Chapter Two)

      • Learn how sign language develops the brain and has actually been linked to a higher IQ in children!  (Chapter three)

      • Dispel any fears that sign language may delay speech development and find out why the opposite is actually true! (Chapter Four)

      • Discover the best time to start signing to your baby (Chapter five) 

      • Learn the advantages of learning American Sign Language rather than inventing your own signs (Chapter six)  
      • Learn how children make the transitions from gestures to signs to speech (Chapter seven)
      • Learn the benefits of learning sign language to music (Chapter Eight)  

      • Learn how Sign Language can promote self-esteem in your child! (Chapter Nine) 

      • Learn how to teach your child Sign Language in a natural environment!  (Chapter Ten)   

      • Learn the benefits of utilizing sign language in children who have speech-delays or special needs.  (Chapter Eleven and Twelve)

      • Learn how to use sign language to develop reading skills (Chapter Thirteen)

      • Learn how to reduce the noise level in your home or classroom! (Chapter Fourteen) 




    You were cared by your parent, and one day later when your parent have long age, then you will realize that you have to care of them too.

    If you are one of the lucky ones who still has a parent living in their senior years, you will find this to be a very special time as well as a challenging one.

    The purpose of this book is to guide you step by step through the process of planning for your parents in their later years, allowing them to age with dignity.

    As our loved ones get older, there are numerous issues to consider. From in-home care to assisted living facilities, there are countless options available.  While every situation is unique, the options are the same. Knowing what your options are is the key. We lead you to the information and tools that will enable you to make the right decisions for every stage of your parent’s care.

    Additional care will be needed when there is serious health condition or disability. The need for long-term care can arise suddenly, such as after a heart attack or stroke. Often it develops gradually as people get older and frail or as an illness or disability gets worse. 

    If you are feeling overwhelmed, you have come to the right place. There are literally thousands of elder care websites, articles and books trying to sell you something. How do you decide where to turn? Total Parent Care brings it all together for you in one condensed yet comprehensive eBook. We left no stone unturned.

       DID YOU KNOW? 
    • Most adult children know very little
         about senior issues and rarely speak
         to their parents about aging.

      • Most 
    seniors do not want to face
         their destiny that one day they may
         no longer be able to care for
         themselves without some help.

        Adult children have busy lives;
          juggling the responsibility of their
          own children, their relationships,
          their household and their careers. 

        Many adult children choose to
          ignore or deny that there is a
          problem with their parent
          until something happens. 

        Many adult children have very little
         idea of their parent’s financial
         situation and if and how they will be
         able to pay for their care.

    Total Parent Care was created to
         assist family members of an aging
         parent in the planning phases of all
         areas of care from just noticing the
         danger signals all the way through
         to the end.

    After reading Total Parent Care you will understand

    - How to arrange a family meeting
    - How to discuss sensitive issues with your parent- How your parent is insured
    - The financial considerations of long-term care
    - How to save time, money and stress by planning ahead
    - What is involved with family caregiving- How to find and schedule help- How to find free or low cost services- Your parent’s after-death wishes- How to plan for all stages of care- How to determine your parent’s net worth- How to determine what type of care your parent wants and needs- The day-to-day duties of a family caregiver- How to hire outside help- How to utilize the resources available to the senior community- How to set up a support network- How to keep your parent happy and safe- What to look for in an assisted living facility or nursing home- How to prepare for the end